Mental and Emotional Health

looking after our wellbeing

Our Mental Health & Wellness Team

Thomas Dunford- Crozier, Rachel Sablon and Daniel French who can offer MH support to parents and staff whilst Olivia Walker and Karen Milton White are our trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants who can work with pupils experiencing a challenging time.

Elizabeth Stout, is our Health & Wellbeing consultant who can support parents and families with nutritional advice, offer coaching and workshops focused on different aspects of health for parents, pupils and staff.

Our Vision for Mental Health and Wellness

Our vision for each one of us is to thrive and flourish as a unique child of God and this means in body, mind and spirit. It is only with our hearts and minds that we can live our life in all its fullness.

We recognise that, like the parable of the mustard seed, there is no life without suffering. Our approach to supporting the emotional health of our children is to be here when your child needs us, in love and hope.

Everyone is entitled to the curriculum in Religious Education. The Personal, Social and Emotional Health and Philosophy supports our understanding of what it means to be human, our co-humanity and interdependence. We support the development of character so that we can flourish in our purpose and live the Aristotelian ideal of “eudaimonia” -  a life well lived.

If there is an event such as a bereavement or other challenging time, we have our Emotional Literacy Assistants to support in a small group or one to one.

For longer lasting and deeper need we have our play therapist, Clemmie Mason, who trained in integrated approaches and provides a confidential weekly session of school based therapy.

If a child is in greater need, longer term support is provided by the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) so they are held and supported beyond our school walls and outside of our time.

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body

Our mind and spirit is not independent of our body.  Our physical health is supported by an hour a week swimming for one and a half terms in key stage two, along with two sport sessions and a daily mile. KS2 have lunch time clubs that are chosen by the children, and reflect the range of sport they would like to play during the day along with an after school offer.

Our lunches are provided by Juniper, who have special lunch menus, themed days and healthy eating initiatives.

We are a water only school, with healthy packed lunches, not adding any sugar and leaving this for special occasions such as birthdays and even a magical cake for HM the Queen's Jubilee!

Active Travel to School

Encouraging children to walk, cycle or scoot to school.

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Looking After Your Mental Health

What the GP says

Understanding Emotions

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