Assessment Data

How our children are doing in tests

"Pupils are extraordinarily confident learners. They have a strong understanding of what they do well and how to further improve their work" Ofsted

Percentage of KS2 children reaching National Expectations


Understanding Assessment Data

What are scaled scores?

Scaled scores compare a child's mark in a test with all other children nationally taking the test in that year. This gives a result which takes into account that the test might be more or less difficult in any one year compared to other years.

National expectations

Children are assessed in Reading, Writing, Maths and Grammar and the results show whether a child has met the expected level compared to all other children sitting the text nationally. They receive a score between 80-120. A score of between 80 and 100 means that the child has not yet reached the national expectation. A score of 100 means they have reached the national expectation, and over 110 means they are working at a higher standard.

Our data

In our data (click below) the percentage figures show the number of children at St Saviour's who have reached the national expectation, and how many have exceeded it, and also gives the figures for the borough and nationally so that a comparison can be made. The figures in brackets show how the data has changed since last year.

Assessment takes place annually in May. The latest data is from May 2019. The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


Three Year Trends

See our children's progress over three years in reading, writing and maths. Click here.

See Also:

The government publishes data on schools' assessment on their Compare Schools website. You can compare our performance with that of other nearby schools. The site also provides other key data about the school.

Percentage of KS2 children working above National Expectations
